Posted by Phillip Mann on 06/03/07 11:57
I converted a VOB file to a SWF file and placed it on the web page as:
<embed src="VIDEO_TS/picking.swf" width="100%" height="100%"
The page opens with the black screen but I have to wait 5 or 6 minutes
for the picture and audio to start.
Any suggestions?
On Sat, 02 Jun 2007 21:07:24 -0700, cwdjrxyz <spamtrap2@cwdjr.info>
>On Jun 2, 4:40 pm, Phillip Mann <p...@bluegrassbanjo.org> wrote:
>> How do I put a swf or avi picture on a page that opens FAST? I have a
>> swf file embedded on a page but it takes FOREVER for the 110 meg file
>> to open.
>If you use the relatively new FLV/SWF method, you can open the video
>at any time you wish. The flash consists of 2 files that are linked
>internally and are created at the same time from a master video that
>might be a high resolution mpg or some other high quality file. You
>can create the flash at a bit rate suited for your application. In
>this case, the . swf file contains only a flv player, controls, logos,
>etc and thus is quite small and opens nearly at once. The flv(flash
>video) that is created at the same time as a file linked to the swf is
>the actual video. You have a swf file and the linked flv file on the
>server in the same directory. You only have to call the swf as usual
>on the web page. When someone views the page the small swf file that
>contains the player comes up very soon, and the flv is automatically
>being downloaded to the browser temporary cache. If you create
>controls with play buttons to start, you can start the video nearly at
>once. However if your download speed can not keep up with the bitrate
>required for the video, the video will pause to allow buffering time
>to download more video so playback can begin again. You can also
>include a status bar in the swf player to see how the download is
>going in relation to the playback. See http://www.cwdjr.net/flash/VTS_01_1_NEW.swf
>for a short demo. This method is now being widely used by many large
>sites such as MySpace, Google, YouTube, news sites etc.
>I don't think you can stream anything of DVD quality, because this
>requires a reliable download rate of over 10 Mbps for a typical
>commerical movie quality DVD. Very few will have a broadband
>connection fast enough to handle that, and even if you did network
>congestion and server overload could greatly reduce the actual
>download rate. . Thus, for any type of movie streaming, much
>compression of the video is required if you want streaming to start in
>a reasonable time and continue without stopping to buffer.
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