Posted by Jon Slaughter on 06/08/07 05:35
"-Lost" <maventheextrawords@techie.com> wrote in message
> Jon Slaughter wrote:
>> can one "stream" image data to a browser?
>> I created an image using gd and when I do imagepng I just get the binary
>> data for the image written as text instead of the image itself. Now I'm
>> writing the file to a temp file and using html to load the temp but seems
>> like a waste of cycles and space ;/
>> Anyway around this?
> Basically, exactly what Ivαn Sαnchez Ortega said.
> Remember that GD example source code I gave you a few days ago? All you
> have to do is put it in a file, for example "image.php."
> Then in another file, perhaps an HTML document, use:
> <img src="image.php" width="100" height="100" />
> Assuming your actual image output is 100x100.
> In this same fashion, if you pass parameters to the image.php script to
> say output specific characters you can do:
> imagestring($img, 10, 5, 5, $_POST['msg'], $fg);
> Instead of:
> $msg = " Your IP is {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}";
> imagestring($img, 10, 5, 5, $msg, $fg);
> <img src="image.php?msg=Jon_SlaughterREMOVE@REMOVEHotmail.com" alt="E-mail
> John Slaughter" width="100" height="100" />
> <img src="image.php?msg=alternateEmail@hotmail.com" alt="My Alternate
> E-mail" width="100" height="20" />
> Of course, remove the REMOVEs. I just put that there in case of
> harvesting.
> (Yes, yes, I realize they could harvest it anyway, since you do not
> disguise it. I was just trying to be nice. : ))
Thanks. I didn't realize you could do that. I guess it makes sense now that
I think about it ;)
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