Posted by Paul on 06/10/07 15:50
> So, you are the spammer trying to sell this utterly useless piece of
> zzoftware?
Calling names is what even a 5-yr old can do. I dare you write a piece
of "zzoftware" of the this complexity.
I wonder who wrote the code parser and pseudowebserver for it.
I wrote the webserver part from scratch. Yes, it doesn't use TCP/IP,
that's why you call it "pseudo"? But this was a deliberate design, so
the program doesn't interfere with any networking and for security
reasons. I also wrote a full featured webserver several years back if
you are interested. And there is no parser - it comes with PHP intact
as compiled by the PHP Group.
> Wouldn't surprise me if it's violating one or more licenses held by others.
Nope, I didn't use any of Apache's or others code, as for the browser
it is the official policy of MS to allow reusing of the browsing core
like that, go see MSDN.
> Selling such a non-product, your own business model seems flaky at best,
> Paul...
I wrote this product because there are important things inherently
missing in WAMP (simply because it is the product suited for web in
the first place not for desktop). ZPG brings PHP to the Windows
I bet you would call MS Word a non-product as well, as there is the
free Star Office there ;)
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