Posted by Zamdrist on 06/12/07 16:09
The answer was to create a table using Select Into containing the new
value of the column I wanted, and to then do a straight up update
column to column, i.e.
Select mmatter, mdesc1 + ' (Stylized)' As mdesc
Into CWStylized from matter
Where (mmatter Like '10799.0062%'
Or mmatter Like '10799.0063%'
Or mmatter Like '10799.0061%')
And Right(mmatter, 2) Not Like 'T[aA-zZ]'
And Right(mmatter, 2) Not Like 'A[aA-zZ]'
And mdesc1 Not Like '%(Stylized)%'
Begin Transaction
Update matter Set mdesc1 = CWStylized.mdesc
>From CWStylized
Inner Join matter On matter.mmatter = CWStylized.mmatter
Commit Transaction
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