Posted by Jim Carlock on 06/15/07 23:24
I cancelled the message, but someone may have downloaded it.
Please disregard the message. I tried to duplicate the problem,
and it ended up as another problem.
[15-Jun-2007 19:09:35] PHP Notice: Object of class PDO could not be converted to int in index.php on line 117
That notice occured on the if() line below...
$oPDO = new PDO($sDBName, $sUserID, $sPassword);
if (($oPDO) & (strlen($sSQL) > 0)) {
and not on the...
$oPDO = null;
If someone replies to the message I'll repost it. If not, perhaps
I still have something here to question. Specifically the line that
sets $oPDO to null. The webpage in question only presents it
one time and few (if any) of the other examples use that line.
My apologies about sending folks off on a wild goose chase in
the previous message. :-)
Jim Carlock
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