Posted by Spartacus on 06/21/07 12:34
Toby A Inkster wrote:
> Spartacus wrote:
>> Were there any other potential problems with the code I posted? I
>> presume not otherwise you'd have said so.
> Not that I noticed. And $v will be "doughnuts", not "Hot Doughnuts".
Thanks Toby very much. I've solved the problem by changing to:
array_key_exists( 'moreof', $_POST );
which is the name of my select tag.
I've also changed the value="" in the option tags to be the same as the
key, just to verify it works.
I was getting odd errors even when no such keys existed. I had changed
them all and still I was getting my old ones. Maybe my stupid browser
cached them or something. So I renamed the HTML form and the PHP script
and it worked just fine.
Again thanks for your help.
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