Posted by Benjamin Niemann on 06/26/07 13:17
dorayme wrote:
> I have been getting some strange characters appear from my local
> server when some markup is delivered via a php include. Even when
> I select all in the include file and delete and save, I get,
> naturally enough none of the usual text icorporated. Yet these
> characters appear at the top of the include in all browsers.
> Sorry, I have not identified exactly the factors causing this
> yet. The characters concerned are:
> Anyone recognise these and so give me any sort of clue that could
> be helpful in tracking the source of the problem please? (Hard to
> know if these will appear correctly when I post this. Might have
> to screen shot them...)
Look like a BOM. Configure your editor not to write a BOM at the start of
the file.
Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de
WWW: http://pink.odahoda.de/
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