Posted by asdf on 06/27/07 13:25
"Travis Newbury" <TravisNewbury@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jun 26, 2:48 pm, "b...@motivateddesign.co.uk"
> <b...@motivateddesign.co.uk> wrote:
>> Just starting life as a freelance web designer.
> And it shows. Fire your editor:
> Main page:
> "I am currently working on my first batch of live projects, so I have
> put up a sample of my personal work using HTML and CSS to produce
> interesting designs. Click on the picture to see my work."
> Customer translation:
> "I am small and new, please go to my competition if you want a job
> done by someone with a track record that will be here
> tomorrow...." (Just tell them here are some quality examples, and
> explain to them what YOU do right, and why your code is better than
> the competition.)
Alternative Customer Translation:
"Hey, this guy is refreshingly honest. He doesn't pretend to have extensive
industry experience as a 14yo hacker. He is honest enough to share his real
experiences with me. He is trustworthy. He doesn't hide behind wanky spin. I
trust him because he doesn't rely on tired old cliches to woo my business."
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