Posted by Khan on 07/05/07 12:12
I want to connect my intranet server (with php/apache) to the other
informix database server,
But I didnt it. I dont know how i can do it?
Can i use php_informix extensions for example ifx_connect();
I was read this article:
and doing step one step but i was not success.
Firstly I reading this page and copy PDO_INFORMIX to Php.5.3/ext/
pdo_informix directory.
Before i was download Php.5.2.3 source code and compiled Php.5.2.3
from the source code ./configure --enable-pdo --with-pdo-informix=/opt/
informix bla bla... then make / make install it.
But that not found informix driver to /opt/informix
shuold I download and setup Informix Client SDK ? to /opt/informix
My Intranet Server Fetaures
Fedora Core 6 and Php 5.2.3 and Apache 2
can anyone help me?
I shoud connect this database server.
If you could to informix database server contact with me please.
I'am sad for bad english.
Thank you everything
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