Posted by Neredbojias on 07/06/07 21:16
On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 16:35:24 GMT Jukka K. Korpela scribed:
> Scripsit Neredbojias:
>> Anyway, I suspect dorayme has a cold or something. She hasn't been
>> up to her usual standards of irascibility lately. Buonasera.
> Is dorayme a she? How do you know? (And please tell me why I care.)
Not so much by the pseudonym but by the content and wording of the
plentiful postings she has left on the newsgroup do I know that dorayme
is a female. It's a virtual certainty. Simply put, men and women
personally-communicate in distinct manners, and an astute, observant
individual, like a good cryptologist, can discern many things from just
perusing the text. Of course, one may emulate a member of the opposite
sex in an attempt at deception, but such ruses are usually fault-ridden
and unveiled in no overlong amount of time.
As to why you would care, I do not know. Perhaps you were affected by
her palpable plaintiveness or cherubic chutpah.
> This is yet another case against using nicknames. Anybody interested
> in the sex of a well-behaving Usenaut can trivially figure it out from
> his or her first name, using some minimal web browsing. Alternatively,
> people can jump into conclusions, like assuming every name ending with
> -a to be female.
I don't entirely disagree with your judgment here and for years used my
real name when posting online. However, there is a place for nicknames
if they are not overwhelmingly abused, and I doubt that anyone would
consider "Neredbojias" a skirt. Additionally, many names such as "Bret",
"Bobby", "Chris", "Drew", "Jamie", "Lee", "Leslie", "Pat",
"Xoloitzquintle", and "Sue" will not provide much of a clue in
determining the sex of the so-named individual.
> And knowing the sex _is_ essential when referring to a person when we
> use a logically inferior language like the Germano-Romanic-nonsensic
> bastard called "English".
Some sexual differentiation exists in any language. Still, I metely
concur with the latter part of your "rantetta" and am very glad that us
Americans had the wherewithall to rectify such means of verbal
intercourse as we inherited from the promulgating gibbering island
Q: Do you speak Turkish?
A: Gobble gobble, dude.
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