Posted by Rami Elomaa on 07/07/07 22:34
ZeldorBlat kirjoitti:
> If you're converting the time to a "unified time zone" why do you care
> what timezone they're in? Why would you be recording the time from
> the client in your database?
Not record, just show. Naturally it makes sense to record a global time
timestamp, like GMT, but people still like to see a time displayed in
their local timezone, so the OP wants to know how to get it and then
convert GMT to local time, just for _displaying_ it to user. It's common
localization practise. Wikipedia for one does this.
"Wikipedia on vähän niinq internetin raamattu, kukaan ei pohjimmiltaan
usko siihen ja kukaan ei tiedä mikä pitää paikkansa." -- z00ze
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