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Re: strtolower with polish sign

Posted by Andy Hassall on 07/08/07 11:11

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 03:32:33 -0700, wrote:

>Hi everybody;
>I can't change polish sign to small letter.
>This is my php script:
> setlocale(LC_ALL, "pl_PL.UTF-8") ; //this function return
> echo strtolower('?Ó?TA WODA');
>When I have executed my script
>the polish letter has still capital.
>The result is "?Ó?ta woda" in my firefox.
>The letter "TA WODA" change ok i.e "ta woda"
>but polish letter no change good i.e. "?Ó?" => "?Ó?". it has still the
>I have tried to use: "header('Content-type: text/
>html;charset=pl_PL.UTF-8'); " but
>result has still the same.
>Any sugestion or comment how to corrent change this sign to small
>letter I am greatly appreciated.

It looks like you're trying to use a multi-byte encoded character, in UTF-8.
strtolower and the other core PHP string functions can't handle multibyte, so
it may well be that strlower is changing the case of the string character by
character - which won't work for UTF-8, even if you've set the locale.

You might have more luck with the mbstring functions, like:

Try the following:

header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

setlocale(LC_ALL, "pl_PL.UTF-8");

// UTF-8 encoded Polish characters
$chars = array(
chr(0xC4) . chr(0x85),
chr(0xC4) . chr(0x99),
chr(0xC3) . chr(0xB3),
chr(0xC4) . chr(0x87),
chr(0xC5) . chr(0x82),

print "<pre>";

foreach ($chars as $c)
print $c;
print " strtoupper: ";
print strtoupper($c);

print " mb_strtoupper: ";
print mb_strtoupper($c, 'UTF-8');

print "<br>";

print "</pre>";

Andy Hassall :: :: :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool



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