Posted by Benjamin on 07/12/07 12:13
On Jul 12, 1:41 am, FFMG <FFMG.2tl...@no-mx.httppoint.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a bunch of functions and I want to pass them thru a test
> engine to ensure that I haven't broken anything while working on
> something.
> I like the idea ofhttp://qa.php.net/but I would need to make changes
> to my environment and I am not too wild about doing that.
> But I would like the same kind of functionality.
> Going a step further I would like to test the flow of the website to
> ensure that all my functions are producing the expected output.
> Would you guys know of any script/software that would do it?
phpUnit at phpunit.de. It's a great test suite.
> Thanks
> --
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