Posted by Oliver Wong on 07/12/07 19:28
"marss" <marss.ua@gmail.com> wrote in message
>A visitor from Redmond came to my site. Through Google search.
> Searched how to sort GridView(.Net) (keywords: "gridview
> e.sortdirection").
> I don't even know what to say....
There are plenty of boring explanations:
* Someone wanted to demonstrate to somehow else how easy it is to find
documentation on GridView.
* Someone wanted to find out how easy it is to find documentation on
* Someone was looking for a very specific blog entry that flattered or
flamed him, and these are the keywords he remember being mentioned in the
* Someone who doesn't work with .NET much (perhaps mainly working on
Office?) wanted to find out how GridView works.
* Someone stepped out of their office while someone else was using their
* Someone lives in Redmond, but doesn't work for Microsoft.
Of course, the most fun explanation is to imagine a senior .NET developer
(perhaps THE inventor of .NEt himself) needing to go to your site to find
out how his own product works.
- Oliver
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