Posted by clive on 07/13/07 04:45
In article <>,
> .oO(
> >In article <>,
> >says...
> >>
> >>
> >> http://www./search?q=utc
> >
> >I asked for an answer here not for a bunch of advertising
> >for websites.
> *LOL* You're kidding, aren't you? The links I posted would have given
> you tons of answers and detailed explanations.
> You should always try to search for an answer yourself before posting in
> a newsgroup. That way you'll get an answer _much_ faster in many cases.
> Learn how to use a search engine and Wikipedia.
> Micha
What is wrong with you newsgroup morons?
Doesnt it occur to you I might just have done that if I were able?
I asked in a newsgroup because I dont have WEB access at the moment.
Stop being a newsgroup smart arse and just answer the questions asked or
keep your idiot mouth shut.
Also this is not an advertising forum for commercial web sites - your
post contravenes the group charter.
Learn to answer the questions asked instead of making up your own half
witted ones to answer wasting everyones time.
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