Posted by Hadron on 07/15/07 14:58
Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> writes:
> Hadron wrote:
>>> With sessions you can tell how many people have used your login
>>> form and have yet to use your logout form, or yet to be timed
>>> out. You can not tell how many people are "browsing the site".
>> Yes you can. Because even if they are not physically looking, they ARE
>> still browsing. Sure, we dont know if the use is asleep or on the toilet
>> but he IS still maintaining a session.
> No, you can't. All you know is at some time he started a session.
> You don't know if they are still browsing your site (or some other
> site), have closed their browser or even turned off their computer.
> You get NO notification when someone closes their browser or moves on
> to another site.
You seem intent on complicating the issues beyond the obvious solutions
for the majority of cases.
Regardless of whether they "log out", time out or whatever, each new
session is a new visit. The counter can and does work "well enough".
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