Posted by Erland Sommarskog on 07/14/05 01:33
New MSSQL DBA (boscong88@gmail.com) writes:
> Hi all, met with something very scary and want to confirm if anyone
> else have met this possible bug with EM?
> Got a production DB, say DB_A with quite a few users in it. this day,
> when I look into the EM-->management-->Current Activity-->Locks/Object,
> I saw a lot of locking on some objects belonging to a user, say User_A
> but the problem is, this User_A doesn't own a thing in DB_A!! And even
> if I drop this user from DB_A, the EM GUI still showing there are quite
> a locks on objects owned by User_A.
Mike is plain wrong when he say there this not a bug in Enterprise Manager.
There is a bug, and I have known about for a long time. In difference to
you, I didn't run into it this way - I found it by looking at the code.
Here is the relevant part from sp_MSset_current_activity (a procedure
that exists only for Enterprise Manager):
select @stmt ='update ' + @locktab + ' set [Table] = name,
[ObjOwner] = user_name(uid) from ' + quotename(@lckdb, '[') +
'.[dbo].[sysobjects] where id = ' +
convert(nvarchar(10), @lckobjid) + ' and [Database] = ''' + @lckdb
+ ''' and [ObjID] = ' + convert(nvarchar(10), @lckobjid)
exec (@stmt)
The context is that the procedure have first found all processes and locks
and saves these in a temp table. Then it iterates over all locked objects
to translate the names in a look. The bug is the part
user_name() works in the current database, but here we examine some
other database. the programmer should have joined with
@lckdb + '.dbo.sysusers' instead.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, esquel@sommarskog.se
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
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