Posted by rf on 07/16/07 07:45
"Jim" <jimyt@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> Use a database. There are dozens around which use databases; if
>> implemented properly they can be quite efficient.
> Hi Jerry,
> If I could think of a way of doing it efficiently then I'd stick with
> db only, but I can't see how. For example, I have a table which
> represents the structure of the site, so to put it simply each record
> has an id and a parent id. To build say a left hand nav I may need to
> call 3 or 4 sql statements to get all the data I need which I'd like
> to avoid doing if possible.
Premature optimization?
Three or four sql calls is sub-millisecond (once the operating system has
*cached* your database working set for you). Compare this to the tens of
milliseconds for a TCP/IP packet exchange or, from over here in .au,
hundreds of milliseconds.
Have you done any benchmarking to prove the sql calls are really a problem?
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