Posted by gagal on 07/20/07 00:03
On Jul 19, 2:58 am, "" <> wrote:
> "gagal" <> wrote in message
> >I wrote a script to send out a birthday email each month. When I
> > tried to run as a cron job I got "no file found". I'm using cpanel
> > and have file in folder ie crons/birthdayemail.php. I figured I gave
> > it wrong url in my cron but I'm not sure what to do.
> Is it the file in the previous post?
> Could be some problem with the include - I had trouble getting includes to
> work in a cron job until I put
> chdir(dirname(__FILE__));
> at the top of the file I was calling in the cron.
> Also the command to run was
> usr/bin/php -q /home/MYHOST/public_html/MYDOMAIN/FOLDER/FILE.php
> which was a bit more complex that I'd realised I would need!
Thanks, It was a command line problem. I had to use
wget -O /dev/null url
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