Posted by Neredbojias on 07/23/07 09:43
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 05:28:16
GMT Jukka K. Korpela scribed:
> Scripsit Neredbojias:
>>> I followed ya'lls lead and suggestions and can not put the W3C
>>> validation seal on that page.
>> Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? According to your first post, you could have
>> done that by simply using the correct doctype.
> But maybe he found my page on "HTML validation" and realized that the
> "W3C validation seal" is worse than useless. :-)
Deep down inside I can't honestly argue with that. Here's a confession I
probably shouldn't be making: whenever I want to "slip" something
"untoward" through ye olde validator, I put it in a j/s document.write.
Works every time. :) I have an iframe somewhere in a 4.01 strict page
which validates perfectly. Yeah, I know, -I'm sooooooooo bad.
Nevertheless, I think the validator serves a useful puprose and I'm glad it
exists. One shouldn't take its results as "the word of God", however.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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