Posted by wombat on 07/28/07 13:26
In article <13alll4ejdo2je2@corp.supernews.com>,
Hendri Kurniawan <hckurniawan@gmail.com> wrote:
> wombat wrote:
> > In article <kpmdnV4xP94xFTfbnZ2dnUVZ_sytnZ2d@wavecable.com>,
> > zach <wackzingo@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> wombat wrote:
> >>> Is there any way to run/execute a perl.pl file with PHP (other than HTML
> >>> FORM)? I've tried using include & require but it only prints the raw
> >>> source of the perl file. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> >> I got all these with the first search on google using this search query:
> >> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US
> >> %3A
> >> official&hs=ubZ&q=php+execute+perl+script&btnG=Search
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Don't know if these will work but I got these from the search above
> >> check these out:
> >>
> >> http://us.php.net/function.exec
> >> http://us.php.net/function.shell_exec
> >> http://www.wellho.net/mouth/493_Running-a-Perl-script-within-a-PHP-page.htm
> >> l
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> To execute perl scripts from inside PHP-scripted pages, use the
> >> following code:
> >>
> >> <?php virtual ("../path/to/script.cgi"); ?>
> >
> > Yea saw all that with my own surfing. Nothing seems to work. That's why
> > I decided to poke around here and see if anybody could help.
> What are you talking about, exec command works just fine.
> Hendri Kurniawan
Actually exec did work but I went and changed code and it ceased to work
so I'll figure that out. However, what exec did was run the code only
and nothing else from the page that executed the per script.
In other words I was hoping for index.php (which has it's own content)
to run a snippet perl script and then return and finish the rest of
index.php. I know it can be done using include calling a small php file
from the main php file but wanted to know if the same can be done
calling a perl file (which displays a list from a database).
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