Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 07/29/07 01:51
peter wrote:
>>> class clsBread extends clsFlour
>>> {
>>> public function __construct ()
>>> {
>>> aggregate($this, 'clsEggs');
>>> }
>>> }
>> Dagnabbit. That's a PHP5 thing, ain't it?
> No it was introduced into php 4.2
> http://php.net/aggregate
Holy Mackerell! I had no idea that was there. What an interestingly
weird set of functions.
Unfortunately my hosting provider didn't build PHP4 with the classkit I
guess - because it doesn't seem to be enabled.
Also, PHP is REAL good about remaining backward compatible with its own
previous versions - but this feature didn't seem to make the cut for PHP5.
While it's an interesting concept - dynamic aggregation - it seems like
a dead end in PHP.
Other than MySQL support, my project really isn't much good if the end
user has to have these kinds of non-standard features enabled - even if
they are pretty cool.
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