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Re: Selective permission to write in the directory.

Posted by on 07/29/07 13:06

You are reffering to other users with access (ssh, ftp, etc...) on the
same box.
Web users have no direct access to this folder (only through your
script which you can control)

Assuming you are on a unix machine using apache httpd:

You can give write access only to the user apache runs as.

Set apache user as owner:
chown -R apache.apache /path/to/writable/dir

Set permissions:
chmod -R 755 /path/to/writable/dir

Note: depending on your server's version and setup associated user
might be 'apache', 'nobody' or something else. If you are on a shared
hosting environment apache might be using your own user's permissions.

Hope this helps.

On Jul 29, 3:22 pm, Kurda Yon <> wrote:
> I want to create a publicly accessible php page which will generate
> images (with the GD library) and store them in some directory. For
> this I have to change the permission of directory (it has to be
> writable for everybody). However, as far as I understand, this will
> allow everybody to put in the directory whatever files. I would like
> that only my php program has permission to write to the directory. Is
> there any possibility to do that?



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