Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/29/07 13:25
Kurda Yon wrote:
> I want to create a publicly accessible php page which will generate
> images (with the GD library) and store them in some directory. For
> this I have to change the permission of directory (it has to be
> writable for everybody). However, as far as I understand, this will
> allow everybody to put in the directory whatever files. I would like
> that only my php program has permission to write to the directory. Is
> there any possibility to do that?
Your PHP script will run under the Web Server's user id, and should
limit access to that id. It doesn't matter who is accessing your web
page. Other users should not have direct access (i.e. ftp) to the
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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