Posted by Bergamot on 08/01/07 03:51
SpaceGirl wrote:
> Bergamot wrote:
>> I don't follow. What's so "new" about the above site other than it's
>> Flash (not that I'd call Flash "new") instead of HTML? I can't read the
>> text so I don't really know what they're selling, but at first glance it
>> doesn't seem so different from any other stock photo or other gallery
>> type site.
> It's just a galley of Flash sites. I wasn't holding it up as an example
> of Flash itself, although it is!
Ah, now I see. We're supposed to investigate the sites it points to, not
the site itself. You probably should have mentioned that. I will look at
a few later, but frankly I don't expect to find much there that
interests me. I don't use the web as a source of entertainment, and if I
can't read the text it's gonna be thumbs down no matter how it looks.
>> So what am I missing? I really want to know.
> Sense of adventure, passion :)
My sense of adventure is mostly reserved for the great outdoors. 8-)
"Passion" isn't a word I associate with web stuff much, except as it
relates to usability and accessibility. ;)
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