Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/01/07 02:13
Ivan Marsh wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 17:32:47 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 16:45:15 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:48:31 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:25:30 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:22:44 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:05:21 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 15:47:59 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 19:42:18 +0200, Rik wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, about the topic of posting his question in this group.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes it was not the best place to post it, but Rami could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have simply answered his question, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No and, it sets precedents. Even now more and more people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep turning up here for MySQL questions. Why? Because they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get answered. I myself am also guilty, giving answers to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> those questions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no problem that people ask MySQL questions in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group... a lot of us run LAMP servers after all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not to mention the original question had *almost* nothing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do with MySQL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The MySQL client will produce output as wide as the terminal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're running it in. Set the xterm window for 120 characters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (for instance) and the MySQL client will produce 120
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> character wide output.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe YOU don't. But most of us would rather see PHP
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Did I miss the meeting where you were elected talking head for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the group?
>>>>>>>>>>>> It was the same meeting where you were elected newsgroup troll.
>>>>>>>>>>> Brilliant retort... you clearly put me in my place there... but
>>>>>>>>>>> you should probably look up what "troll" means in an nntp
>>>>>>>>>>> context.
>>>>>>>>>> Yep, I know exactly what it means. And it fits you perfectly.
>>>>>>>>> You clearly don't. Apparently you think it applies to anyone who
>>>>>>>>> disagrees with you and stands up to you after you've been an ass.
>>>>>>>>> Perhaps you should take a break from posting until you stop
>>>>>>>>> menstruating.
>>>>>>>> ROFLMAO! Check back through this thread. You started the name
>>>>>>>> calling.
>>>>>>>> And you kept trying to change the subject because you had no
>>>>>>>> arguments.
>>>>>>>> And you continue. Just another troll.
>>>>>>> As I said, you should look up what troll means. Let me look back in
>>>>>>> the thread and refresh your memory:
>>>>>>> "I have no problem that people ask MySQL questions in this group... a
>>>>>>> lot of us run LAMP servers after all."
>>>>>>> To which you felt it necessary to act like you own the group and be
>>>>>>> an ass.
>>>>>>> If you can't be civil then don't expect other to be.
>>>>>> Get it straight in your head, troll. This is a PHP newsgroup. If you
>>>>>> don't believe it, read the charter for the newsgroup. You can find it
>>>>>> at http://www.dbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-400780.html.
>>>>> You are truly deluded.
>>>>> Are you suggesting that it would be inappropriate for someone to ask a
>>>>> PHP related MySQL question in this group?
>>>>> Do you know what a LAMP server is?
>>>>> Are you aware that in my post I also pointed out that the question was
>>>>> not only off topic for this group but for a MySQL group as well?
>>>>> This argument has nothing to do with what's on or off topic here but
>>>>> the fact that you're a big whiny dork that thought he should act like
>>>>> the emperor of the group by parroting information I had already
>>>>> included in my post back to me as if you were an authority.
>>>>> If all you can do is call people a troll when they clearly aren't being
>>>>> one and are incapable of justifying your own statements then your
>>>>> opinion is pretty much irrelevant.
>>>> Read the charter. This group is for PHP questions. I'm not the
>>>> authority - the charter for this newsgroup is.
>>> Then don't speak as if you are.
>> I'm just repeating what the charter said.
> Your response to my suggesting LAMP questions were fine with me:
> "Maybe YOU don't. But most of us would rather see PHP questions here.
> If you want MySQL questions, try one of the MySQL newsgroups. That's
> what they're there for."
Exactly. MySQL questions go in a MySQL newsgroup. Apache questions go
in an Apache newsgroup. PHP questions go here.
>>>> And there is nothing in the charter discussing MySQL. It is all about
>>>> PHP.
>>> So if someone is trying to figure out why their PHP code that connects to
>>> a MySQL server isn't working they should be refused help?
>>> What if their PHP code is trying to write a file to the file system?
>>> Should they be in a group for the filesystem?
>>> So, help me understand, as far as you're concerned the only questions on
>>> topic here are concerning PHP syntax in a vacuum? Not application?
>> That is not what I said. And not what the charter says. Learn to read.
>> It's simple English.
> Yea... that's what I thought. Redefine and backpedal.
No back peddling. You just can't read. It's the same thing I've been
saying all along.
>>>> That's what this discussion is about - not the fact that you're a troll.
>>> Could you explain how that last statement even makes sense?
>> It's just the fact. This discussion is about whether MySQL questions
>> are appropriate to this newsgroup. They aren't, according to the
>> Charter. And just because YOU think it's ok to post MySQL questions in
>> here doesn't mean it is.
>> Thats' what the discussion is about. You've already proven yourself to
>> be a troll. That's not necessary to discuss.
> Just can't admit that you're wrong can you?
No, because I'm not. I'm following the charter for this newsgroup. But
you're just a troll.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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