Posted by Swati on 08/02/07 06:28
all I am running Ubuntu 7.04 and I am using eclipse 3.2 as editor I
installed jvm and jdk1.6 for eclipse and i configured my jvm and
eclipse/java_home also for jdk1.6. Now i am able to run my java files
but i have problem when I am using java classes in php file. Whenever
I am running php files from the browser which whiche uses a java class
i am getting an error as
Fatal error: Class 'Java' not found in /var/www/phpinfotest.php on
line 7
The code there is as
$system = new Java('java.lang.System');
Can any body help me out what is the problem. is this the problem
wioth phpjava bridge
Do I need to set my path some where in php.ini
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