Posted by Florian Erfurth on 08/03/07 13:26
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
> Florian Erfurth wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>> Florian Erfurth wrote:
>>>> ELINTPimp wrote:
>>>>> If there isn't already a mechanism in place to work between the two
>>>>> filesystems (Samba, netapp, even FTP), then it isn't going to work.
>>>>> You need to get this resolved before you even start with PHP.
>>>> Nope. And my colleague doesn't like to do that "outside" of php-script.
>>> That wasn't his point. His point was, if there isn't a way to access
>>> the file without PHP, PHP can't "magically" create a way to access it.
>>> PHP can only automate what can be done manually.
>> Ah... now I understand that. But what about the following code?
>> http://smbwebclient.sourceforge.net/smbwebclient.phps So it's possible!
>> (I think so)
> Sure, that will work - if you install Samba on your server, as Rik
> suggested. That provides a way to access the file remotely. PHP will
> then be able to access it.
Of course samba is installed on server. But unfortunatelly the PHP-script
(smbwebclient.php) is huge, so I don't have idea how to access a file (I
only want to read the content, not more).
cu Floh
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