Posted by Hilarion on 10/10/70 11:21
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> > > Are you against freedom of speech?
> >
> > Nope. I'm against abusing usenet groups. The base rule is
> > to first look for answers on your own and then here.
> Either you know that I did not look for answers somewhere
> (non even on the internet) and in this case you might want to explain how
> you know that...
Have you checked PHP manual? All the questions you asked are answered
in it one way or another. Most of them in first introduction chapters.
Most of basic PHP tutorials would also solve your problems.
> or you might think that the group is only open to those who have already
> found an answer and in this case the question is what the group is about
Nope. The group is for both.
> or you might have written a rule that questions about parse errors are not
> allowed.
Nope. Most parse errors are easy to find if you know basic syntax of
PHP, so you should not ask about those. There may be occasions when they
are harder to find (I haven't seen such one) and then you probably could
ask about them here. In that case you should first narrow down the search
field by cutting your code to minimum which still causes the error and
give this code to the group.
Your syntax errors were very simple errors (easy to find).
> If you had not previously agreed on that questions about parse errors were
> not allowed, so you are possibly trying to insult me.
Nope, but it's tempting.
> In this last case, the question is whether insults are allowed in this
> group.
Nope. But asking repeatedly same simple questions even when they were
answered is also insulting and it's insulting the whole newsgroup readers
(or at least the people who answered your questions).
> I may have been badly informed but I understood that php was an open source.
> Perhaps the code is open but this NG about php does not seem to welcome
> questions at all.
If the PHP is Open Source or not is irrelevant. Yes, this group welcomes
questions, but it's not for learning/teaching basics of PHP. There are
pages and books for this.
> I have for example one book in swedish about java and it sometimes tells me
> more that your answers about php.
So what? Your code sometimes tells me more about you than you would like
it to. So what?
You think that our answers are not good. You can. I think that your way
of reading answers and learning PHP is not good. I can.
> Questions where someone compare asp with php do not seem to be welcome
> either..
This group is not for this. You may ask if PHP is better for this or
that task in this or that situation. The best way (in my private opinion)
is to ask about some PHP solution of a problem in here and about ASP
solution of the same problem on ASP group and make the decision on your own.
I wanted to write something which could be considered PHP related answer
for your PHP related question, but haven't found anything that hasn't
been already answered (in many ways) here, so I'll pass.
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