Posted by Big Moxy on 08/04/07 03:09
I have a form variable that is set to a default value in the beginning
of a multi-page process. Along the way, a user can optionally update/
null out that field. Before the final page is rendered I would like to
blank out other variables that may have still have their default
values or updated by the user and are now meaningless.
I wanted to do this but my last page no longer renders. Can I do the
if ($_SESSION['phrase'] == "" {
$_SESSION['font_type'] = "^^no^^";
$_SESSION['thread_color'] = "^^no^^";
I have also tried this but again the last page no longer renders.
if ($_SESSION['phrase'] == "" {
$font_type = "^^no^^";
$thread_color = "^^no^^";
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