Posted by techusky on 08/06/07 17:26
On Aug 6, 10:20 am, techu...@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a *very* simple script written that displays the directory
> listing of the current working directory, but I am having some
> difficulty when I try to change folders. Basically, I have my $dir
> variable set to this: --- $dir = getcwd() . "\\" . $nav; --- but for
> some reason the script does not actually display the contents of the
> directory if you change from the directory the script is located in.
> Here is my code if someone is willing to take a quick look to tell me
> where I am going wrong:
> <?php
> // Tell the script which directory to list
> $nav = $_GET['nav'];
> $dir = getcwd() . "\\" . $nav;
> // Open the directory
> $dh = opendir($dir) or die("Unable to open $dir");
> // Parse the directory listing
> // and display this contents
> while ($file = readdir($dh))
> {
> // Do not include the current directory
> if ($file != "." && $file != "..")
> {
> // If the file is not a directory
> // add it to the fileArray
> if (!is_dir($file))
> {
> array_push($fileArray, "$file");
> }
> // If the file is a directory
> // add ?nav=$file to the url
> if (is_dir($file))
> {
> echo "<a href=\"listing.php?nav=$file\" target=\"_self\">
> $file</a><br>";
> }
> // If the file is a file
> // just link to it
> if (is_file($file))
> {
> echo "<a href=\"$nav/$file\" target=\"_self\">$file</
> a><br>";
> }
> }
> }
> // Close the working directory
> closedir($dh);
> echo '<br><br>';
> echo $nav;
> echo '<br><br>';
> echo $dir;
> echo '<br><br>';
> print $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
> ?>
> If you actually test this out, you will notice as I do that if you
> change directories by appending ?nav=some_directory to your url, the
> $nav and $dir variables *seem* to be properly updated but you will not
> get a listing of the contents of the new directory... I'm stumped.
Oh, something I forgot to include: I also tried setting the $dir
variable to: $dir = getcwd() . "/" . $nav; but that seemed to make no
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