Posted by Charles Polisher on 08/07/07 00:32
On 2007-08-04, ashore <3ashore@comcast.net> wrote:
> 1. This is for use in an Open Source application I'm developing. I
> don't want to emburden each potential user with more complexity than
> needed. The application needs the time information - not the server.
> I expect the app will maintain a delta factor - correct_time minus
> server_time.
> 2. I don't have root access, nor do I expect other installations/
> users to have it.
> 3. I want accurate time cuz there's a need to get a time stamp on
> some application events that will correlate with some off-system
> events. The latter will have accurate time stamps.
> 4. No, it need not be NTP. If anyone is aware of a non-NTP solution
> that fits the above parameters, please share that info.
> 5. Meanwhile, I have located a small PHP script that reads like it
> will do it, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. It's at
> http://www.aota.net/forums/showthread.php?t=21147
It looks as if the script is targetting a dead time server,
for one thing. Try 0.pool.ntp.org.
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