Posted by Hilarion on 07/17/05 19:16
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> I get this Warning:
> Warning: printf(): Too few arguments in /home/s/scaiecat/www/sv/test21.php
> on line 27
> Why do I get it?
> The code follows ( I changed password, user and the like in the connection
> code)
> <?php
> // some code cut out by Hilarion
> printf("<tr>
> <td headers='t1'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t2'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t3'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t4'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t5'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t6'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t7'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t8'>%s</td>
> <td headers='t9'><a href='%s'>%s</a></td>
> </tr>\n",
> $mycolumn['Region'], $mycolumn['Ort'], $mycolumn['Sovplatser'],
> $mycolumn['Rum'],$mycolumn['Avstĺnd till havet i km'],
> $mycolumn['Terrass'],$mycolumn['Lägenhetsnummer'],
> $mycolumn['URL'],
> $mycolumn['Länkar']
> );
> // some code cut out by Hilarion
> ?>
As the message said - you provided "Too few arguments" for
"printf" function. You used 10 "%s" placeholders in first parameter
and provided only 9 strings (next parameters).
Again it looks like you didn't check the obvious cause of error.
Next time try cutting the code to the minimum which does not
cause the error and try adding rest of the code piece by piece.
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