Posted by amygdala on 08/10/07 17:11
"Rik" <luiheidsgoeroe@hotmail.com> schreef in bericht
> On Fri, 10 Aug 2007 18:10:24 +0200, Scott Bryce <sbryce@scottbryce.com>
> wrote:
>>> My application examins $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] to determine which
>>> page to serve.
>> Why?
> Standard practice: single 'point-of-entry' website, serving up pages as
> requested in the url. Saves a whole lot of code duplication, allthough it
> might decrease performance. Look at it like an index file in the root
> examing GET variables and serving up different pages according to the
> given values. Only, for more easily remembered urls for humans, and the
> kind of urls search-engines like, the url contains a pseudo-path: the
> actual path does not exists, but is handled by a script which might be
> anywhere.
>> If you have stored the URL of the page you want to go to in a cookie,
>> you should be looking for which page to serve in that cookie.
> Never store that kind of a thing in a cookie. Use a session and just a
> session cookie, store data in the server-side session.
>> Or are you examining $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ] to determine what URL to
>> store in the cookie? Again, why? If I have a PHP script at
>> example.com/user/login, why doesn't that script know its own URL?
> Because the script might not be there? It's just a script, where the
> request finally ends up being processed can have very little to do with
> the requested URL.
>> I may be way off base here, but your approach seems odd to me.
> More a difference in approach, but a very normal one.
> --
> Rik Wasmus
Thanks for answering that one Rik, I couldn't have said it better. :-)
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