Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/13/07 13:52
Pavel Lepin wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in
> <Goydnb86ofrT1l3bnZ2dnUVZ_jmdnZ2d@comcast.com>:
>> Pavel Lepin wrote:
>>> David Gillen <Belial@RedBrick.DCU.IE> wrote in
>>> <slrnfc0dq2.h3v.Belial@murphy.redbrick.dcu.ie>:
>>>> Godfather said:
>>>>> Please Show me the best way to learn PHP in 1 week.I
>>>>> want to manage a group of PHP Programmers.
>>>> You don't need to know any PHP to be a manager. In fact
>>>> I think most programmers would prefer it if their
>>>> manager didn't think they knew how to code.
>>> I must disagree. The best project manager I've ever
>>> worked under was actually a very capable programmer
>>> himself--and that showed. On the other hand, he also was
>>> extremely good at refraining from backseat driving, so
>>> there is something to the idea that good managers don't
>>> tinker with gizmos and whatchamacallits, no matter how
>>> good or bad at tinkering they are.
>> There's a huge difference between a manager and a project
>> manager.
> Point.
>> A project manager needs to know the languages involved. A
>> manager is an administrative person and needs much less
>> technical knowledge.
> I'm fairly certain the OP was talking about a project
> manager/team leader position, though. Real pointy-haireds
> don't manage PHP programmers IME, they manage 'stuff'.
I just took him at his word when he said he was going to manage
programmers. Project managers generally manage projects.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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