Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/14/07 10:25
working_boy@net.hr wrote:
> Hello!
> I am transferring large php application which also uses few third
> party php libraries to UTF-8.
> And now, of course I have problems with string functions which are not
> multi-byte safe, especially in those third party libraries.
> My first, optimistic attempt was to automatically override "ordinary"
> string functions with its multi-byte versions
> (.htaccess: php_value mbstring.func_overload 7).
> But that didn't work out. For example phpmailer class failed.
> Intrestingly enough it SEEMS that it works just fine with "ordinary"
> string functions and UTF-8. But those bugs (which can be manifested
> when using "ordinary" string functions with multi-bytes characters)
> are note easy to catch especially when my primary language uses mostly
> 1byte characters.
> So, for now only thing I can do is go through all third party
> libraries and try to figure out which string functions are should work
> on bytes and which should work on characters and replace them
> accordingly.
> For example, when strlen is supposed to return length in bytes I
> should leave it as is, but when it's supposed to return number of
> characters I should replace it with mb_strlen ... and so on for all
> multi-byte unsafe string functions.
> The problem is that it is not easy to find out which functions should
> be replaced and which not, also I have to repeat the process each time
> new version is released.
> So, those anybody have any ideas how these problems can be solved more
> elegantly?
> Thx.
Perhaps donate some of your work to the opensource projects? I suspect
phpmailer would appreciate your efforts, for instance.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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