Posted by ginoplusio on 08/22/07 09:01
On 22 Ago, 10:36, "rf" <r...@invalid.com> wrote:
> <ginoplu...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1187771079.379665.43150@e9g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
> > On 22 Ago, 10:14, "rf" <r...@invalid.com> wrote:
> >> <ginoplu...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >>news:1187769752.817265.74860@m37g2000prh.googlegroups.com...
> >> > Hi,
> >> > I'm developing a software to send newsletter to the users of my
> >> > website. I have a problem on the stats, detecting the opening of the
> >> > newsletter on the user's client.
> >> > The method I've chosen uses an html img tag like this:
> >> > <img src="detectscript.php?email=1234"/>
> >> Which my email client will never open. It considers images a security
> >> risk,
> >> as loading them confirms that the email address they were sent to is a
> >> valid
> >> one. This is an Anti spam measure.
> >> > Do you have any suggestion to count the newsletter opening correctly?
> >> Why do you need to do this?
> > To make some statistics.
> > I'd like to make statistics on the newsletter:
> > - Total emails sent
> > - Valid emails in the db
> > - Emails that were full (over quota)
> > - Opened emails
> > - Clicked emails
> > I have problems only on detecting the opened emails.
> If the email recipient chooses to not download that image then there is
> nothing at all that you can do to make it happen.
> You will just have to accept the fact that your stats are not reliable.
> --
> Richard.
are you sure?
i can't believe that there isn't a trick... professional newsletter
software how do they do?
using htaccess file is it possibile to make gif extension file
processed as php...?
or is it possibile to use url rewriting to find a work around...?
any suggestion?
thank you in advance.
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