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linking a research form with a display page

Posted by on 08/30/07 16:56

Hello everybody,

I have a page rech.php where I'm doing a multi-criteria research Ex.
choose your car model, choose your country.
After validation of my form, on the same page, the lines will be
displayed (I put a max limitation of 500 lines). Ex. list of cars Fiat
to buy in UK.

A clic on a line will bring me to the display page disp.php Ex. I will
clic on the car n° 5 => <a href="disp.php?
line=5&country=uk&model=Fiat">car n°5</A>.
As you can see disp.php will receive in parameters all the
informations of my query (country=, model=) and I will re-execute the
big multi-criteria query in disp.php for each page!
But if the webmaster will delete the record n°4, I'm bloqued. I'm in
disp.php on the record n°5 and if I clic on the previous button, the
script will look for the record n°4 which doesn't existe anymore.

Here is my big question : Is there a solution to do only once the big
multi-criteria request and save it in a temporary table (but then when
do I need to delete the temp table) or an other solution to do things
better ?

Thanks for your help




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