Posted by dorayme on 09/05/07 22:34
In article <fblt2r$isk$1@aioe.org>,
"mrcakey" <nospam@spamispoo.com> wrote:
> >> Weird! My Firefox preferences seem to match those of my colleagues FF
> >> preferences, but her browser displays the link within a new window as
> >> it is meant to.
> >>
> >
> > You do not say what her prefs are or yours?
> >
You still are not saying what your prefs are set at?
> >> What is the particular setting I should be looking for? And why is
> >> _blank evil? What should I use instead?
> >
> > I have:
> >
> > <http://netweaver.com.au/test/pics/ff_prefs.png>
> >
> > I may have also downloaded an optional panel called Tab Mix Plus
> > Options. Google up for it. you might like it.
> >
> > About _blank. If you are an author, try to avoid it because it is
> > too presumptive to think you know better than the person who is
> > looking at your webpage. If he wants to see a link in a new page,
> > he has the powers right there in his browser. On a Mac, eg, you
> > can simply control or right click and a little context menu comes
> > up and you can choose how to open a link,...
> >
> > On principle, the user knows best. Best not to assume he is a
> > complete schmuck, he will resent you for it if he is not. He
> > might very well be irritated to see windows opening unexpectedly.
> >
> >
> My family, who are pretty bright, and nearly all my friends who are mostly
> educated to Masters and PhD level, need to be told everytime I visit how to
> use right click. Maybe you have a site oriented towards techies, but I
> think you're being very generous to your users. IMHO, I don't think there's
> anything inherently evil in forcing certain incidental pages, e.g. T&C's, in
> another window/tab.
I am not urging a blanket ban on trying to force extra windows. I
say "try" because you will not always succeed in getting what you
might imagine as an author. I have some browsers set to open
_blanks in tabs. (At least this imposes an order and limits my
irritability when it is mandated for no particular sound reason).
There could be some cases where it is appropriate. There is even
some cases where I actually find javascript pop ups very useful.
My tone is one of caution on this, not Talibanic edicting
(followed, of course, by stoning and public flogging and ugly
About your audience and knowledge of mice and commands and
general browser skills, it may pay to look more empirically
rather than intuitively at the issue of which is more confusing
to the unskilled, windows popping up on a screen that obscure
other windows and calling for a level of knowledge of window
management on the part of the user or simply relying on the skill
of using the back button or clicking a navigational link on the
*one* page. Anyway, think about it and no more abstract
discussion, we need cases to continue.
About my sites, no, you are mistaken, I speak to the downtrodden,
the lonely, the poor, the refugees, the uneducated. It is
impossible not to feel compassion. My problem is trying to
concentrate while crying my heart out. My family, with only one
or two jewel-like exceptions are all banged up in prison for life
for being serial public nuisances.
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