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PEAR like, php-csl, code library - anyone doing this?

Posted by juglesh on 07/20/05 00:35

howdy, I am using this code library thing:
and had an idea. I was thinking about keeping a bunch of functions in
the root dir of my server, so I can re-use my code from any of my
websites without having to copy each func or code into the current
site that i�m working on. So, It�d be kinda like PEAR, you�d just go:

include "/home/library/thefunction.php;
$var = thefunction();

That php-csl that i linked to would have to be modified, cuz it stores
the snippets in *.s files. No biggie. Also, it would be cool to have
the code you need for including the func be in a text area that could
have a copy to clipboard button.

Anyone doing such a thing? Have any security concerns? Other


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