Posted by dorayme on 09/08/07 22:30
In article
cwdjrxyz <spamtrap2@cwdjr.info> wrote:
> On Sep 8, 2:40 am, windandwaves <nfranc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Folk
> >
> > I have a 18Megabyte quicktime movie. What is the best way to make it
> > available to users as a streaming video, rather than an 18Megabyte
> > download?
> >
> > I know this is a pretty broad question, so you would probably have to
> > ask me some more questions. Sorry - I am just not really sure what is
> > relevant here.
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Nicolaas
> QT movies usually are at a fairly high bit rate, so a viewer needs to
> be on broadband for them to stream well. In addition, most .mov files
> will not stream unless they are "hinted". To do this, the most simple
> method is to take the QT .mov, open it in a premium QT player, and
> then store it. The stored .mov will then be hinted so that it can be
> made to stream. The basic QT player will not hint a move, but it will
> stream a .mov on the web that someone else has hinted. You have to pay
> for the premium QT player, and it costs in the US$ 30-40 range from
> Apple, if I remember correctly.
> I have a hinted QT movie at http://www.cwdjr.info/video_extreme/cancanMOV.php
> . When the player comes up and shows the control bar, you will notice
> that the progress bar starts filling showing the movie is loading. You
> can then click the start button, and the QT movie will start playing.
> If you connection is fast enough, the movie will play through without
> stopping. If your broadband is not fast enough, the movie will pause
> when the play indicator overtakes the loading progress display. If the
> movie is not hinted, it will not be able to play until the download is
> complete.
On this machine I have this download speed according to FF
Bandwidth meter this morning: 5671 kbps. I get pausing with
streaming videos most times (including with your video) until
replayed from cache when all is available. I have QT Pro. I
thought I had a "fast" connection, ADSL 2. But all is relative!
(btw, I still like this clip of yours, saw it last time you
mentioned it. Good one.)
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