Posted by Steve on 09/11/07 13:53
"Sanders Kaufman" <bucky@kaufman.net> wrote in message
> Steve wrote:
>>>> Then he doesn't need a PHP-MySQL book with C++ examples - he needs
>>>> information on how to write PHP extensions in C++. Something
>>>> completely different.
>>> I never met the fellow 'cept once in a chatroom - so I dunno what he
>>> needs or doesn't... and trying to figure it out would be scope creep.
>> no wonder you don't like using "bizness lingo"...you don't even know what
>> "scope creep" is. and no, trying to figure out what he needs would not be
>> scope creep. it would be a wise, proactive step in having the op state
>> what he needs in more detail so we can quit guessing.
> Well yeah - I'd probably do all that for a paycheck.
> But he just asked a question in a chat room.
LOL. so you now agree with jerry? so it's a paycheck that makes him right or
not? were the handful of sentences he wrote so demanding of his (or your)
time that it warrants monetary consideration? hell, your diatribe on
"bizness lingo" was seven pages long if you combined all your
posts/responses from that thread. my suspicion is that you have large
chuncks of time available to you, and those being non-billable. wait...now
that i think of it, that's probably why you would be quibbling over a
btw, your response is yet again another diversion and does not challenge in
any way the validity of what was stated...you look silly again. you must be
young, inexperienced, and uneducated. i'd recommend taking a speech/debate
course at your local community college...pay close attention when they
discuss "logical fallacy"...you've produced two "red herrings" in as many
consecutive posts.
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