Posted by Jim Carlock on 09/12/07 01:51
> Here it says...
> COM Support: enabled
> DCOM Support: disabled
> .net Support: enabled
"Sanders Kaufman" wrote...
: Those are all Microsoft thingies.
: COM is the Component Object Model - a version of the Windows
: Foundation Classes.
COM was originally called OLE (object linking and embedding).
Basically any regular libary DLL can become COM if it includes
some extra OLE functions to handle object creation, and letting
the system know that it can create classful objects. Microsoft
adopted new words like, ActiveX and COM to replace OLE (it sounds
so much better!). The ActiveX libraries (files) were later branded
into two different types of COM, called distributed COM and COM.
: DCOM is distributed COM - a patchwork add-on of Win95 that
: was added because when 95 came out, MS had not considered
: certain internet implications.
DCOM was originally called network OLE. And it's based upon RPC.
Does it have a place in PHP? As far as communicating via HTTP,
does anyone use it and can anyone provide an example of it's use?
I've used GET and POST to get things accomplished with PHP, I'm
curious as to how to use DCOM with PHP.
: .NET is MS's latest attempt to build an all-in-one,
: everything-to-everybody architecture.
And I'm wondering why PHP says .net support = enabled where
..net is NOT installed. I'm baffled by this one. It appears PHP
looks for one specific file and it exists, PHP declares .net
enabled, but .net is actually at least a 50MB package of files
which fill a few folders.
Jim Carlock
Swimming Pool, Spa And Water Feature Builders
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