Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 09/17/07 13:12
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> indeed. You may support what Bush and the neocons *tried* to achieve,
> for for out and out incompetence in actually achieving it? Nah.
> A triumph of ideology and self deception over reality.
> Not.
I used to think it was wildly improbable that the folks who support Bush
did /not/ know damned good and well what he was about when they did so.
But it seems that the same people who are stupid and irresponsible
enough to vote themselves a tax break when there's an outstanding and
past-due, mutli-generational debt to pay...
Well, those are the same people who were stupid and irresponsible enough
to be surprised to find out that he was a half-wit to a toad.
I mean - shit, the guy didn't make any secret about who or what he was,
even if his admen played it cool. For christ's sake, the twit blew up
frogs as a kid - that ain't right.
And when he publicly gave his life over to God, well if that didn't
cinch the strap on the old crazy-bag, I don't know what else could.
I know that it's wrong to take pleasure in other people's suffering, but
when some God(#(&$muther(@#&$ Libertarian whines about getting exactly
what he didn't pay for, I get a sick little thrill.
But then I think about the million dead Iraqis and the thrill goes away.
Allah Akbar.
Death to George Bush.
Death to the soldiers who kill and maim, in His name.
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