Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/18/07 22:07
Steve wrote:
>>> Atheism is a religion?
>>> Do you actually have any clue?
>> Yes, I do. It is a disbelief in a god, as Shelly pointed out from
>> Websters.
> perhaps you need several clues then!
> i don't believe the toothfairy is real. am i religious now, being an
> atoothfairian?
If you could get the rest of the world to agree the tooth fairy is a
god,then yes. But I doubt you would be able to do that.
> or, is this a special case because the word gawd is the object of disbelief?
The belief in a higher power. Call it God, Jehovah, Allah or any of the
other names the higher power is known by, yes. That is the definition
of religion.
>>> Please Jerry: I read this whole thread (my bad) and came to the
>>> conclusion you better stick with PHP.
>>> You can speak with some authority on PHP, but your worldview....
>>> It is dangerous singleminded dribble in my humble opinion.
>> Fine, you're entitled to your opinion.
> hmmm...if we apply the scientific method to this, and since there is no
> observable evidence god does exist...yep, i'd say his is more likely right
> than not.
Faulty logic. Lack of proof that something exists is not proof it does
not exist.
> jerry, religion makes the claim god exists. atheist just don't believe them
> until they provide evidence. it's the logical thing to do. for you making
> the claim, it would only be responsible to provide such evidence so that we
> needn't go back and forth.
That's fine. You're entitled to your beliefs, also.
>>> A few quotes for you:
>>> ************************************************
>>> "The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never
>>> give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma."
>>> - Abraham Lincoln, American president (1809-1865).
>>> ************************************************
>>> ************************************************
>>> "I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life, I absenteed
>>> myself from Christian assemblies."
>>> "Lighthouses are more helpful then churches."
>>> -Benjamin Franklin, American Founding Father, author, and inventor
>>> ************************************************
>>> ************************************************
>>> "Where do we find a precept in the Bible for Creeds, Confessions,
>>> Doctrines and Oaths, and whole carloads of other trumpery that we find
>>> religion encumbered with in these days?"
>>> "The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity."
>>> "This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion
>>> in it."
>>> -John Adams, U.S. President, Founding Father of the United States
>>> ************************************************
>> And what does any of that have to do with whether atheism is a religion or
>> not? Absolutely nothing.
> it has everything to do with your gleeful delight that we have gawd-fearun
> republukuns in the white house. i'd rather just have a president.
Not at all. I'm happy we have a President with balls.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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