Posted by Shelly on 09/19/07 00:35
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> Not at all. I can conceive of those people. But, unlike them, I don't
> try to force them to practice my religion - but they want to prohibit me
> from practicing it.
You keep repeating this ridiculous canard. Once and for all explain to me
how stopping the government from spending MY tax money to support the
practice of YOUR religion is STOPPING you from practicing your religion.
You can practice your religion on any PRIVATE property that allows you to do
so and you can make any statement you wish in a public place concerning
religion -- just not at PUBLICLY paid for events. Those are paid for by
people like ME who do not practice YOUR religion.
Here is one for you to ponder. Suppose I held YOUR position and want the
state to sponsor MY religion with YOUR tax dollars on PUBLIC property and,
suppose further, that MY religion was Satanism (it isn't, but lets say yes
just for the sake of argument). How would you feel about that one? What
right have you to stop me from teaching Satanism in schools? (Remember, I
am using YOUR arguments against you). Rememer, too, that Satanism is a
religion. It is devil worship.
So, Jerry, answer that one!
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