Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 09/19/07 10:25
The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>> *The problem is that I can build the damn thing in a weekend, but I
>> don't want to miss out on all that extra cash.*
> You may be able to build it in a weekend, but what about all the
> documentation for the NEXT guy who has to modify it, and the user
> documentation, and the training course and manual you have to write.
Well, there's an idea.
I do love to fill binders.
I just don't want to give them too much more than they want, lest the
application exceeds their needs by an order of cro-magnitude.
> Stop thinking like a programmer, and start thinking like a doctor.
> They don't want CODE. They want a clearly described simple SYSTEM to do
> a specific JOB. You job is not to deliver code, but a complete SYSTEM.
That's what my post is about. I'm not sure *what* they want or if they
know what they want, or if I can convince them that I can give them what
they want, but that they don't know they want yet.
I just know I want the gig.
(OMG - I think that's a direct quote from Pirates of Silicon Valley!)
> Preferably with 30 nicely bound user manuals, and so on.
I think that's my answer right there - although I think one or two
binders with some very wordy help screens and wizards might do the trick.
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