Posted by Steve on 09/20/07 06:02
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Steve wrote:
>> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
>> news:msOdnYNUlZJZLXLbnZ2dnUVZ_tCrnZ2d@comcast.com...
>>> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>> Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>>>>>> But it seems that the same people who are stupid and irresponsible
>>>>>> enough to vote themselves a tax break when there's an outstanding and
>>>>>> past-due, mutli-generational debt to pay...
>>>>> Yea, and you know what? After that tax break, the economy improved,
>>>>> and federal tax revenue INCREASED. You need to go back to Economics
>>>>> 101.
>>>> I CLEP'd Eco101 and 102.
>>> Then you need to go back to school.
>>>> Where your logic fails is in your use of just ONE side of the economic
>>>> equation.
>>> And which side is that, Sanders? It must be the same side every
>>> recognized economics expert in the world is on, though, so I guess I'm
>>> in good company.
>> uhhhh...hummmm (trying not to laugh).
>> well, our friend alan and most other economists like levitt and company,
>> clearly see two sides to manipulating and predicting ecomonomic states.
>> being that you're such an expert (really holding it in now) on the
>> matter, i find it a bit odd that you don't know that sanders is talking
>> about the supply side rather than the demand side...duely recognizing
>> that either is typically and respectively the sole target of republicans
>> and democrats.
>> me thinks the 'side' your standing on now is the one where the crickets
>> can clearly be heard chirping.
>> (now letting loose the supressed hilarity)
> No, I understand what he's saying. But the two sides are not separate.
> They are intimately intertwined. Without one, the other is worthless. And
> you cannot consider one without the other.
ah jerry! you just blurted out the first thing that came to mind before you
read what he was saying. PLEASE, tell me that was the case. i'd hate to have
to consider that you just backpeddled to save face since you actually
*didn't* know what supply/demand side manipulation is.
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