Posted by Tyno Gendo on 09/28/07 12:54
Willem Bogaerts wrote:
> There are many ways to do that. Some people incorporate all the details
> in the product name, some people use categories, versions, etc. You can
> then either calculate the price at runtime with the given versions or
> have price entries for all possibilities. I would suggest the latter,
> because not all combinations thinkable are necessary deliverable.
> Best regards
Thanks Willem, I'll have to have a further play with classes/patterns
and look for more examples. The point is, I'm trying to justify using
them to myself over functional programming, at the moment I try building
class based projects and most of the time they just end up being more
confusing, taking longer and not really adding much benefit.
But obviously, I'm doing them wrong, but have no peer to show me what I
should be doing :-(
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