Posted by Jim on 10/03/07 16:44
"Travis Newbury" <TravisNewbury@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> On Oct 2, 12:44 am, "Six String Stu" <hawkinn...@nccray.net> wrote:
>> > Is there any lawyer in the audience who will help me sue them?
>> Look in your particular state's discrimination laws. Every State has a
>> set.
>> Try looking within the dept of labor first.
>> Once you know the specifics of your local state law contact the ACLU in
>> your
>> state.
> Yea, lets clog up the courts some more bullshit lawsuits.
Yeah, I'm a Scot so I've decided I only want to communicate in Scottish;
the world (well, except isolated parts of Scotland!) is discriminating
against me!!!! ROTFLMSAO!!!!
Maybe we
> should sue because they don't have pictograms for people that are
> illiterate... Hey what about suing them becasue they are forcing you
> to apply to get a job? How about syuing them because they would want
> you to work after they hired you...
> The ACLU will sue for any reason at all except if you are a white
> heterosexual middle class male in America... Then they just fucking
> you. (And probably sue you if it didn't feel good)
> There... I feel better now... (so sue me)
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